's Bill Jackson takes a look at the 2010 Mazda MAZDASPEED3. It competes with the Volkswagen GTI, Chevrolet Cobalt SS and Mini Cooper S JCW.
Videographer: Matt Avery
Producer: Eric Rossi
Vadis' comment:
This Mazda3 has a radical, futuristic design, an improvement from the previous one. No need for custom body tuning, I guess.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
2010 Mazda MAZDASPEED3
2010 Honda CR-V's Bill Jackson takes a look at the 2010 Honda CR-V. It competes with the Toyota RAV4 and Chevrolet Equinox.
Shot and produced by: Matthew Avery and Sarah Gersh
Edited by: Lindsay Bjerregaard
Vadis' comment: Now that's the grill I like! It'll be a big hit in Indonesia!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Wicked Yellow Civic at AutoBlackthrough 2009

Okay, so I stumbled upon a fabulously wicked Honda Civic 2008, tuned to the max.
Observed every nook and cranny (from the outside), even the rims too.
Too bad I didn't catch the specs, so it's best if I search for that resource in or sorts.
Auto Blackthrough Tuned Cars Show 2009
JCC Jakarta, Indonesia, November 28-29, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Fifth Gear - Evo X FQ300 v Impreza WRX STI
Jason Plato and Tiff Needell go head to head on the track in one of their famous "Dogfights" to find out which car is fastest - the Mitsubishi Evo X FQ300 or the Subaru Impreza WRX STi.
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Dalam Perjalanan Pulang...
Masih dalam tema "Nyaman dan Aman di Jalan Raya Milik Kita Semua", ada satu lagi contoh usaha kami untuk menerapkan prinsip-prinsip mengemudi yang defensif, aman dan hemat energi (Driving Skills for Life) dalam dalam kebiasaan mengemudi sehari-hari, apalagi bilamana menghadapi situasi-situasi yang jauh dari kata "Nyaman dan Aman" di jalan.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa rekaman dalam perjalanan pulang sehari-hari kami di Jakarta, Jum'at, 6 November 2009 (tiga seri rekaman dalam satu trip) sebagai gambaran situasi-situasi yang kami hadapi di jalan dan cara kami mengatasinya. Hehe, tentunya bukan saya yang mengemudi saat itu, saya tidak berani mengemudi sambil merekam video lagi...
Sumber video:
Video Bagian 1:
Ini salah satu contoh (bukan yang terlalu ekstrim, tapi memang cukup parah) kemacetan di Jakarta, yang sering saya sebut "Jak Jam" (Jakarta Traffic Jam), legenda baru kekacauan jalan yang sebanding dengan "Bangkok Jam".
Kami sedang dalam perjalanan dari daerah Harmoni menuju Kelapa Gading. Masalahnya, kami harus melewati sekumpulan kendaraan yang saling-silang di titik yang sama, walaupun lampu lalu-lintas terlihat masih menyala di perempatan Angkatan Laut - Bungur Besar - Jalan Garuda.
Para pengendara itu (termasuk motor) seperti kaum barbar, berusaha menyelinap di celah-celah sempit - dan jelas berbahaya.
Yang penting bagaimana si pengemudi tetap tenang dan mengatur jarak serta timing. Penumpangpun juga bisa membantu.
Video Bagian 2:
Oke, lolos dari "rintangan pertama". Masih di Jalan Bungur Besar, lalu-lintas tersendat lagi di pertigaan dengan Jalan Angkasa yang terkenal berbahaya dengan lampu lalu-lintas yang tak pernah menyala, berdekatan dengan jalur rel kereta api dan perempatan besar lainnya di Gunung Sahari. Kali ini giliran bus angkot yang selalu "minta jalan", menerobos seakan juga membuka jalan bagi mobil-mobil dari jalur kami. Itu situasi yang sama sekali tidak nyaman bagi yang datang dari jalur manapun, tapi dengan sikap toleransi dan mau mengalah, situasi yang kacau ini sudah jadi lalapan sehari-hari yang jelas bisa diatasi tanpa kesulitan.
Video Bagian 3:
Nah, menuju Kelapa Gading, kami sampai di Jalan Danau Sunter. Sedikit tersendat di sini, cukup ramai pula lalu-lintas jam 15.30 ini. Tentu saja ini belum apa-apa. Kalau Hari Jum'at jam 5 sore kadangkala kami bisa terpaku di jalan ini saja kurang-lebih 30 menit. Mau bilang apa? Terlalu banyak kendaraan.
Yah, mau tak mau kami mendengarkan musik di radio/cd/kaset untuk mengusir bosan dan ngantuk dan membantu konsentrasi, dan tetap bersabar, dan sebentar pula kesabaran itu menuai hasil, bisa sampai di tempat tujuan dengan lancar, relatif tepat waktu dan tak kurang suatu apapun.
Itulah sekilas penerapan Driving Skills for Life dalam perjalanan sehari-hari ini. Memang tak mudah untuk menerapkannya secara sempurna, tapi setidaknya kami sudah mengurangi resiko kecelakaan sambil membuat jalan raya lebih aman dan nyaman bagi kami dan juga orang-orang lain. Driving Skills for Life, obat manjur bagi Jak Jam! - Andry Chang (BJ Vadis)
Driving Skills for Life - Ford Motor Company
Sunday, November 01, 2009
'Astro Boy' Trailer 3 HD
Set in futuristic Metro City, the tale of a young robot with incredible powers created by a brilliant scientist named Tenma. Powered bypositive blue energy, is endowed with superstrength, x-ray vision, unbelievable speed and the ability to fly. Embarking on a journey in search of acceptance, Astro Boy encounters many other colorful characters along the way. Through his adventures, he learns the joysand emotions of being human, and gains the strength to embrace his destiny. Ultimately learning his friends and family are in danger, Astro Boy marshals his awesome super powers and returns to Metro City in a valiant effort to save everything he cares about and to understand what it takes to be a hero.
'Astro Boy' Extended Clip: Escape Metro City
Few characters have made as powerful or as lasting an impression on international popular culture as Astro Boy. The little robot first appeared in 1951 as a character in the celebrated artist and animator Osamu Tezukas legendary manga (Japanese comic book) and became an instant icon.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Nyaman dan Aman di Jalan Raya Milik Kita Semua
Tak perlu data empiris untuk mendefinisikan budaya berkendara di Indonesia, yang prinsip dasarnya antara lain sebagai berikut:
“Kalau nggak nekad, nggak dapat jalan”
“Mengalah itu bodoh, payah dan cupu, kalau lincah dan sering menyalip baru jagoan”
“Alon-alon asal kelakon”
(Supir angkot yang ugal-ugalan) “Biarpun harus ugal-ugalan, salip kiri-kanan, potong jalan, yang penting kejar setoran”
(Supir truk yang kurang profesional) “Mobil besar = raja jalanan”
“Polisi tidak harus mengikuti aturan lalu-lintas, hanya menegakkannya saja”
“VVIP datang, semua minggir! VVIP pantang kena macet karena ada VVIB (very-very important business)”
… dan masih banyak lagi.
Oke, saya tak mengatakan prinsip-prinsip budaya di atas itu positif atau negatif, anda sendirilah yang menilainya.
Satu hal yang pasti, dengan sarana angkutan umum yang kurang aman dan nyaman, jumlah kendaraan pribadi yang makin membludak apalagi makin banyak orang yang beralih dari berkendara dengan mobil dan angkutan umum menjadi motor, ditambah budaya-perilaku negatif di jalan membuat resiko kecelakaan di jalan meningkat pesat. Nyawa manusia yang adalah darah-daging yang lemah seakan makin murah, setiap saat bisa hilang, lebih gawat daripada mengarungi rimba belantara.
Solusinya? Dalam kekacauan ini, kita butuh pahlawan, mereka yang berjuang sekuat tenaga mengubah keadaan jadi lebih baik, membuat jalan raya menjadi tempat yang lebih nyaman dan aman bagi semua. Kita bisa jadi para pahlawan itu: Pahlawan jalanan, bukan sekedar raja jalanan.
Caranya? Bagaimana bisa? Bukankah orang-orang yang sok jadi pahlawan biasanya malah jadi martir?
Cara menjadi pahlawan di jalan raya sejati adalah dengan mengembangkan kepribadian diri sendiri yang berbudi luhur, menghargai semua pengguna jalan lain (walau bagaimanapun menyebalkannya) dan mengembangkan keterampilan berkendara di jalan yang cerdas, defensif (kebalikan dari agresif), aman dan hemat bahan bakar. Untuk mobil, metode yang disebut “Driving Skills for Life” ini dapat disimak dalam situs, atau langsung ke link ini (Sepuluh Tips Driving Skills for Life, tips perawatan mobil dan berkendara aman)
Melihat ini, anda mungkin bilang, “Ah, teori! Bagaimana bisa metode yang dikembangkan oleh Ford di Amerika itu diterapkan di Indonesia, terutama di Jakarta dengan ‘Jak-Jam’ (kemacetan yang tak kalah legendaris dari Bangkok Jam) dan penuh pengemudi barbar dan kejutan yang mengintai setiap saat?”
Jawabannya, kita tidak perlu ngotot untuk menerapkan semua prinsip Driving Skills for Life ini dengan sempurna sekaligus. Kita cukup melatih diri secara disiplin hingga menjadi kebiasaan berkendara kita tanpa harus mengingat-ingat lagi dan menyesuaikan sikap dan tindakan kita dengan situasi, terus berusaha mengurangi resiko kecelakaan secara berangsur dan bertahap.
Contoh nyatanya adalah dari beberapa situasi yang saya lihat dan hadapi sendiri saat mengemudikan mobil, yang coba saya ingat-ingat beberapa hari setelah mengikuti sesi “Driving Skills for Life” yang diadakan oleh Ford dan Indonesian Defensive Driving Course (IDDC) di Pesta Blogger 2009, 24 Oktober yang lalu.
- Saat berbelok, mobil saya disalip dan dipotong oleh mobil yang ngebut. Mungkin dia terburu-buru. Saya pelankan mobil, atur momentum dan berbelok dengan lancar.
- Dalam kemacetan, saya berhenti tak terlalu dekat dengan mobil di depan, motor-motor lantas berseliweran masuk dan berhenti dalam posisi memotong di depan mobil. Saya coba untuk sabar dan tak maju lagi agar motor tak bisa lewat seperti kebiasaan dulu.
- Di sisi kiri jalan ada kecelakaan, orang bersepeda yang menyeberang jalan jadi korban tabrak lari. Motor-motor berhenti mendadak mengerubungi TKP. Saya berusaha cepat tanggap dan tak terpengaruh rasa penasaran, hingga melewati kerumunan dengan aman. Ngeri juga seandainya saya yang jadi pelaku tabrak lari itu…
- Macet total, hingga menghabiskan waktu 1 jam di mobil. Untuk mengusir kebosanan dan kemungkinan mengantuk, saya terus mendengar siaran radio yang lagu-lagunya enak dan segar dan jarang ada talk show (selama ini cukup membantu meningkatkan konsentrasi). HP berdering. Saya coba untuk tidak mengangkatnya, tapi terus ditelepon lagi. Saya angkat, bilang “Maaf, saya sedang mengemudi, nanti saya hubungi balik” dan setelah dapat tanggapan, “Ya,” saya tutup telepon.
- Saat akan pindah jalur, banyak mobil yang melaju kencang dari kanan belakang dari blind spot yang tak terlihat di kaca spion kanan. Untung saya menengok sedikit, agak kaget juga tapi langsung konsentrasi lagi. Pindah jalur lancar.
- Ada mobil modifikasi lewat, wow, velgnya keren sekali! Uups, jangan lupa lihat ke jalan di depan, jangan hilang konsentrasi.
Nah, itu tadi baru sedikit contoh usaha saya menerapkan kebiasaan mengemudi yang sudah lama saya terapkan dan dicerahkan lebih lanjut lewat metode 10 Tips “Driving Skills for Life”, sekaligus mengubah beberapa kebiasaan untuk nekad, iseng di jalan seperti pada video di bawah ini:
Video: Tailing A Ferrari (diposting tanggal 13 Agustus 2008)
Sumber: oleh Andry Chang (BJ Vadis)
Terus terang, dari rekaman video di atas, itu adalah salah satu tindakan terbodoh dan ternekad yang pernah saya lakukan, karena tergoda dan teralihkan oleh Ferrari dan niat untuk iseng.
Terus terang, saya adalah pengemudi yang jauh dari sempurna, dan DSFL makin menyadarkan saya untuk tak mengulangi kesalahan semacam ini lagi (juga sederet kesalahan lain) dan lebih berkonsentrasi mengemudi sebagai “tugas utama yang tak dapat disambi dengan aktivitas lain” sekaligus mengurangi sifat egois dan mau menang sendiri, yang maunya hanya nyaman dan aman di jalan untuk diri sendiri, masa bodoh dengan orang lain.
Saya belajar tentang hidup dari pengalaman berkendara di jalan – arti sebenarnya jadi “dewasa / tua di jalan”. Saya mungkin tak harus jadi pahlawan, tapi saya jelas tak ingin egoisme membuat saya jadi pembunuh, penghancur yang mencelakakan orang lain. Saya jadi makin sadar, kalau saya tak berubah jadi lebih baik, cara berpikir saya tak lebih baik dari prinsip-prinsip budaya ala supir angkot ugal-ugalan yang saya sebut di awal posting ini.
Kesimpulannya, tempat paling aman dan paling berbahaya di dunia ini adalah dalam benak kita sendiri. Oleh karena itu, jagalah akal kita tetap sehat dan kembangkan kepribadian berbudi luhur, peduli dan penuh tanggung jawab saat turun ke jalan di belakang kemudi.
Jadilah pahlawan sejati, pahlawan yang selalu berusaha melindungi nyawa orang lain dengan cara mengemudi yang defensif, aman dan melestarikan lingkungan hidup dengan metode hemat energi. Jadilah pahlawan yang membuat dunia jadi tempat yang lebih baik, dan jalan raya menjadi tempat yang lebih nyaman dan aman milik kita semua.
- Andry Chang a.k.a. BJ Vadis
Untuk dan Ford Motor Company
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Mashi Maro - Episode 7
Mashi Maro Saves the World (??) lol
Mashi Maro - Episode 8
oh it's now - my bad
Mashimaro - Complete Episodes
check out for more updates of this cute fat farty rabbity!
Mashimaro Episode 2
Second episode of the fat cute white bunny.
check out for more!
Mashimaro Episode 1: Mashimaro Goes Fishing
Mashimaro goes fishing, but the fish do not like his bait and start screaming at him, shocked by the reaction; Mashimaro gets angry and farts in the pond.
Disclaimer: I do not own Mashimaro, All credit is given to the Mashimaro Company in South Korea.
Best Episodes of Domo Kun
Who doesnt love Domo
This is a spurge of Domo videos in japanese with english subtitles.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Lexus SUV

Lexus RX-450H 2010 Preview

Lexus LX-570

Lexus LF-Xh
Lexus LF-Xh
BJ Vadis' comment:
Designwise, all Lexus SUVs look weird, just like the 2008-9 batch of their Toyota counterparts. I myself like the looks of Toyota Fortuner better.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Kompetisi Komik "5cm" Oktober 2009

Bila anda senang melukis dan bisa mewujudkannya dalam bentuk komik, cobalah ikut kompetisi membuat komik berdasarkan novel 5cm karya Donny Dhirgantoro.
Kompetisi ini memang dibuat sengaja dalam waktu yang singkat alias mepet banget waktunya, tujuannya adalah melihat kemampuan, kemauan dan komitmen setiap tim dalam menyelesaikan sebuah komik. Kelak, pemenang yang terpilih akan menyelesaikan komik 5cm ini dalam waktu 45 hari untuk menjadi sebuah buku. Jadi kalau 5-10 halaman saja tidak sanggup, tidak mungkin bisa diharapkan untuk membuat sebuah buku komik sesuai target. Tapi jangan berkecil hati, berusaha dulu.
Cobolah membuat komik yang ekspresif, detil dan melebihi target dan imajinasi yang disyaratkan di bawah ini. Semoga komik anda yang terbaik!
Syarat khusus:
1. Karya dibuat dengan mengambil salah satu fragmen dari novel "5cm" yang melibatkan 5 tokoh.
2. Karya dibuat dengan sebanyak 5-10 halaman kertas berukuran A4, disertai halaman visualisasi karakter tokoh-tokoh utama.
3. Karya dikirim dalam bentuk print out, dengan menyertakan data digital dalam format TIFF resolusi 300dpi (dalam CD/DVD).

Syarat umum:
1. Kompetisi berakhir 30 Oktober 2009.
2. Tim terdiri dari 2 sampai 5 orang dengan melampirkan biodata anggota tim.
3. Karya kompetisi dibuat oleh tim (bukan perorangan).
4. Hasil karya diantar langsung ke PT Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia (Grasindo) atau melalui pos / kurir ke Panitia 5 Cm Comic Competition, PT Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia (Grasindo), Jl. Palmerah Barat No. 33-37, Jakarta Pusat 10270. Karya dikirim selambat-lambatnya 30 Oktober CAP POS.
5. Pengiriman karya harus melampirkan struk asli pembelian novel 5Cm di toko buku Gramedia dengan periode pembelian bulan Agustus- 30 Oktober 2009.
6. Panitia akan memilih 4 tim terbaik untuk mempresentasikan karyanya.
7. Pemenang akan diumumkan pada tanggal 12 November 2009 melalui website Grasindo (
8. Setelah ditentukan sebagai pemenang utama, tim harus menyelesaikan pengerjaan komik dalam waktu 45 hari terhitung sejak menerima materi skenario komik.
9. Karya yang sudah dikirim menjadi hak milik PT Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia dan tidak akan dikembalikan.
10. Hak cipta komik menjadi milik PT Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia.
11. Panitia tidak menerima surat-menyurat. Keputusan juri tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
12. Hadiah akan dipotong pajak, sesuai peraturan yang berlaku.
(021) 53650110-111 ext 3336
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Super Mario Allstars RPG - First Trailer (RPG Maker 2k3/2003 Project)
This is our Super Mario RPG created with the RPG Maker 2k3. During the story our heros have to travel through a world with well-known places, but there are also unknown, invented locations from Nintendo games in it. Be ready to play as Kirby, Yoshi, Link, Bowser, and of course, the Mario Bros.!
Stay tuned, the second Beta is coming out soon, but it will be a German only. Maybe, if there are enough people interested, we'll translate it into an English one too.
Music by Blind Guardian - Sacred
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Nissan GT-R GT500 Race Car Unveiled at TAS 2008
GT-R is back on the race track with it's Super GT race car, the GT500 contender unveiled today at the Tokyoo Auto Salon 2008. Check out the traditional Nismo color scheme! Looks good on the R35 GT-R doesn't it?
Fastest Toyota Supra in the world (Street Legal 8 sec) Supra from Hell
Meet the supra from Hell 8 second Supra.
Also Skyline GTR AWD owns American muscle anyday!!!
BTW There are 6 second Honda and 6 second Mitsubishi Eclipse 1/4 mile.
Type it in youtube if you want, so don't come around me with this bullshit that only American cars can do 7 seconds cause Japanese can do 6!!
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Andry Chang wants to keep up with you on Twitter

Andry Chang wants to keep up with you on TwitterTo find out more about Twitter visit Thanks, About TwitterTwitter is a unique approach to communication and networking based on the simple concept of status. What are you doing? What are your friends doing—right now? With Twitter, you may answer this question over SMS or the Web and the responses are shared between contacts.
This message was sent by a Twitter user who entered your email address. If you'd prefer not to receive emails when other people invite you to Twitter you can opt-out Please do not reply to this message; it was sent from an unmonitored email address. This message is a service email related to your use of Twitter. For general inquiries or to request support with your Twitter account, please visit us at Twitter Support. |
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
RPG Maker VX Faceset Maker

Known result above: LIMBAD
Download the RAR file and extract it in your computer!
Category: RPG Maker VX Resources Faceset
Friday, September 04, 2009
Nissan GT-R Spec-V
Actually the GT-R has been breaking the law since last year. Before then, the Japanese car industry kept its high-performance cars below a ceiling of 280 horsepower, an unwritten, yet very real limit established by the Japanese government back in 1989.
But the Nissan GT-R shattered the glass ceiling with its 480-hp twin-turbo V6. And now the 2009 Nissan GT-R SpecV pushes even farther past the barrier, further reinforcing the GT-R's status as a true supercar. Just over a year since the car's introduction, Nissan has given a shot of steroids to Godzilla, creating the most extreme road-going machine that Japan has ever seen.
ZR1 Drag Race King - Spanks GTR, 599, and GT2
Join us as we pit Chevy's all-new 638 horsepower Corvette ZR1 against the Nissan GTR, Ferrari 599 GTB, and Porsche GT2 in a no holds barred drag race.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Tuned and Silvered - Honda Accord
more videos at honda accord cool tuning
Honda's Greatest Masterpieces (Until 2009) Honda fun Club Turkey
Friday, August 28, 2009
Andry Chang wants to keep up with you on Twitter

Andry Chang wants to keep up with you on TwitterTo find out more about Twitter visit Thanks, About TwitterTwitter is a unique approach to communication and networking based on the simple concept of status. What are you doing? What are your friends doing—right now? With Twitter, you may answer this question over SMS or the Web and the responses are shared between contacts.
This message was sent by a Twitter user who entered your email address. If you'd prefer not to receive emails when other people invite you to Twitter you can opt-out Please do not reply to this message; it was sent from an unmonitored email address. This message is a service email related to your use of Twitter. For general inquiries or to request support with your Twitter account, please visit us at Twitter Support. |
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Fast Lane Daily on Special Assignment - Day 6 - 08/17/2009
Driver Bruno Spengler takes the Mercedes SLR Stirling Moss out on the track.
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Mbah Surip - Indonesia's Rasta Masta! RIP
Remembering Mbah Surip, the Indonesian reggae artist promoting simple, funny music enjoyed by the entire nation. Below is the clip: "Tak Gendong" (Carry You Anywhere)
his greatest (and only?) one-hit wonder.
(hd version)
(version 2 - lo-def)
3D Video (no glasses needed!) - Mosquito Highway
Click on the "3D View Style" menu then select how you'd like to view. Red/Cyan are pretty common but see what works best for you. If you don't have glasses, then select "cross eyed" and just cross you eyes slightly to make the 2 videos overlap into 1. This is normally how I view 3D videos without glasses but if you're not able to overlap images with your eyes then you may want to just purchase a cheap pair of glasses somewhere online or buy a 3D movie from the store and use those glasses. Don't forget to click the full screen button on the bottom right of the video player as well... it helps if you have glasses. Sorry, Disney's fancy RealD polarized glasses don't work on these.
This video was only a test for me to see how YouTube would handle it's new 3D feature. If this becomes popular and people are able to view it then I'll put more effort into the next one. I'd love to do this in my usual video quality.
- Cross-eyed can be difficult if you don't have control over your eye muscles. Try sitting away from the screen a bit or just get some practice in. There are a lot of cool videos like this on the net.
- If you're using glasses and the image seems to be inside out then use your glasses the other way around. Some glasses are backwards. If your glasses can seperate the 2 images then it may be your computer monitor. A burned out, dull or discolored monitor may not work with your glasses.
-STILL doesn't work with your glasses? Make sure you're using anaglyph glasses and not polarized glasses (like Disney RealD). YouTube doesn't support polarized.
I simply used 2 identical (very cheap) cameras and placed them in the same general direction (both level with the lenses separated about 2 1/2 inches from each other). Then I resized the videos in editing and placed them next to each other (like you see in the "cross-eyed" setting). Once it was uploaded I added a few tags to trigger YouTube's new 3D viewing feature. The tag "yt3d:enable=true yt3d:aspect=3.55:4" is a custom tag I made specifically for this video and may not work for your video if you use it but it wouldn't hurt to try I guess. So just put that code into your tags if your video looks like mine.
Unfortunately, I had to cross my eyes to edit in 3D. I don't have any big fancy programs or a team to animate for me like most 3D studios have. So I like to keep it simple. It was a pain in the arse making this but it worked and I'm happy for that.
Category: Entertainment
3D cross-eyed yt3d stereoscopic anaglyph glasses smpfilms cory mr. safety williams mosquito kung-fu testing 3d youtube player
Sunday, July 19, 2009
RPG Maker PSP test, EasyRPG porting test
September 14, 2008
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PSP port of the EasyRPG player. The video shows an auto scrolled RPG Maker 2000/2003 map file. Download EBOOT.PBP here:
PSP port of the EasyRPG player. The video shows an auto scrolled RPG Maker 2000/2003 map file. Download EBOOT.PBP here:
Category: Gaming
Tags: RPG Maker PSP 2000 2003 EasyRPG playstation portable 3D
Rpg Maker VX - Script Tutorial 3 How to Change the Font
September 25, 2008
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A simple command placed on the script that allows you to change the font for your game project. NOTE: You'll need to find some fonts Online... if you want them to be cool LOL
A simple command placed on the script that allows you to change the font for your game project.
NOTE: You'll need to find some fonts Online... if you want them to be cool LOL
Thursday, July 16, 2009
A RMXP Shooting Game
Posted by: Torrunt
A Shooting Game i Made in a few minutes in RPG Maker XP.
A couple people have asked for the game or the scripts I used so I'll post the download for the game
The main script I'm using here is Mr.Mo's ABS, which you can find from a quick google search.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
CM-Rims : Batch 06 2009
Rims to fine-tune your car! We recommend these cool, xtraordinary designs from renowned brands: Fledermaus, Konig etc to make your ride the King of the Street Show. Just call us or come to this address to get a set (or two).
Velg-velg dahsyat untuk membuat hasil modifikasi mobil anda lebih unik dan bergengsi. Model-model unik dan istimewa dari merk-merk ternama: Konig, Fledermaus, Work dll tersedia di sini. Hubungilah kami atau kunjungi kami di alamat ini:
Cahaya Makmur Tires & Rims
Jl. Sukarjo Wiryopranoto No. 37B Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
(Sentra Otomotif Sawah Besar)
Tel: (62-21) 6251582, 6260821 setiap hari kerja (work days) 10:00 - 17:00 (10am - 5pm)
Contact Person: A Hoa
Juga tersedia (also available):
Tires: Bridgestone, Yokohama, Falken
Tire replacement comprehensive services
Get the Radiance to your Radials, get CM-Rims!
Note: Stock availability may vary. Please call the store for updates.
CM-Rims : Batch 05 2009
Rims to fine-tune your car! We recommend these cool, xtraordinary designs from renowned brands: Fledermaus, Konig etc to make your ride the King of the Street Show. Just call us or come to this address to get a set (or two).
Velg-velg dahsyat untuk membuat hasil modifikasi mobil anda lebih unik dan bergengsi. Model-model unik dan istimewa dari merk-merk ternama: Konig, Fledermaus, Work dll tersedia di sini. Hubungilah kami atau kunjungi kami di alamat ini:
Cahaya Makmur Tires & Rims
Jl. Sukarjo Wiryopranoto No. 37B Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
(Sentra Otomotif Sawah Besar)
Tel: (62-21) 6251582, 6260821 setiap hari kerja (work days) 10:00 - 17:00 (10am - 5pm)
Contact Person: A Hoa
Juga tersedia (also available):
Tires: Bridgestone, Yokohama, Falken
Tire replacement comprehensive services
Get the Radiance to your Radials, get CM-Rims!
Note: Stock availability may vary. Please call the store for updates.
CM-Rims : Batch 04 2009
Rims to fine-tune your car! We recommend these cool, xtraordinary designs from renowned brands: Fledermaus, Konig etc to make your ride the King of the Street Show. Just call us or come to this address to get a set (or two).
Velg-velg dahsyat untuk membuat hasil modifikasi mobil anda lebih unik dan bergengsi. Model-model unik dan istimewa dari merk-merk ternama: Konig, Fledermaus, Work dll tersedia di sini. Hubungilah kami atau kunjungi kami di alamat ini:
Cahaya Makmur Tires & Rims
Jl. Sukarjo Wiryopranoto No. 37B Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
(Sentra Otomotif Sawah Besar)
Tel: (62-21) 6251582, 6260821 setiap hari kerja (work days) 10:00 - 17:00 (10am - 5pm)
Contact Person: A Hoa
Juga tersedia (also available):
Tires: Bridgestone, Yokohama, Falken
Tire replacement comprehensive services
Get the Radiance to your Radials, get CM-Rims!
Note: Stock availability may vary. Please call the store for updates.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Aston Martin DBS
Chris Harris drives the new flagship Aston Martin, the DBS. Is this car more than an upgraded DB9? Chris finds out
Aston Martin Cygnet, Hyundai Equus, Lotus Evora, ...
Hyundai takes aim at a top Lexus, a new Lotus shows up in California, and, is this the next Lamborghini Gallardo? Hosted by Derek DeAngelis.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Gundam Wing - Episode 10
Part 1/3
Part 2/3
Part 3/3
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Gundam Wing - Episode 9
Gundam Wing - Episode 8
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Gundam Wing - Episode 7
Gundam Wing - Episode 6
Blaxx Jazz!

A suggestion of a simple yet powerful modification of a 2008 Honda Jazz (Fit)
Hint: Only modify the rims and added variations on the front bumper.
Update: June 16, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
First Look - Maserati Granturismo MC GT4 Race Car
Maserati celebrated the release of their all new GT4 race car, the Granturismo MC, by ripping around the Paul Ricard circuit in France.
Street Legal Race Car - 2009 Honda S2000 CR - Hot Laps
Senior Editor Edward Loh takes Honda's hot new club racer, the S2000 CR, around the Streets of Willow.
Transformers 2: CGI Megan Fox Even Hotter This Time
The entire CGI budget of the film goes to digitally mastering Megan Fox's hotness.
Featuring Josh Lay, Jason Kalter, Jon Pack, Paul Welsh and Ben Rodgers. Idea by Jason Kalter and Jon Pack of Rue Brutalia. Graphics by Mike Antonucci. Shot by Noah Yuan-Vogel.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Gundam Wing - Episode 5
"Kill you later!"
Gundam Wing - Episode 4
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Gundam Wing - Episode 3
Gundam Wing episode - Five Gundams Confirmed
Gundam Wing - Episode 2
Gundam Wing - Episode 1
Visit azumicat114's photobucket album in:
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Chess Free
Chess Free.exe
100% Free Chess Board Game for Windows 7.18 - Participate in chess tournaments against amusing characters.
Friday, May 29, 2009
RPG Maker VX - Tankentai 2.6 SBS Demo
This is a simple video demo of what you can do with Tankentai 2.6 CBS translation version by Kylock.
There are some more functions this script can do which I did show in this video.
I know that the music doesn't loop well, I just didn't want to use default. I had to cut a few parts from the video to make it fit on YouTube. And like I said in the video, I didn't do a good job on animations, I just wanted to script the skill animation concepts down.
Scripts seen in this video:
Mini-map by Woratana
Neo Gauge by Woratana
Neo Message System by Woratana
Battle Background Frames by Gammastar
Various KCG Scripts translated by MrAnonymous
Category: Gaming
rpg maker vx script demo
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Golden Sun Final Boss Sequence
Fight versus Saturos and Menardi in Golden Sun on Gameboy Advance, along with the final fight with Fusion Dragon. Done with characters in their late 20's, and no summon standby to start the fight.
Dark Path - Battle Test (Tactical Battle)
Tactical Battle Script RPG Maker VX
for those who want the script go here:
RPG Maker VX Resources
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Rpg Maker VX - Script Tutorial 4 Quest System Part 1
This is just how to set it up and a Preview of what I'll be showing you later.
Author of the Script: Samo The Thieft
Here's the Demo Link:;9954246;/fileinfo.html
Rpg Maker VX - Event Tutorial 6 Simple Puzzle 1
How to do a Simple Torch Puzzle Tutorial..... I think it's so easy for everyone if you all know how to work with Variables....
If you don't try check out my other tutorials..
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Sling Wars!
Monday, May 18, 2009
2009 Volkswagen Jetta SportWagen TDI's Weekend Athlete, Bill Jackson, takes a look at the 2009 Volkswagen Jetta SportWagen TDI. It competes with the Mazda MAZDA3 and Subaru Impreza.
Shot and produced by: Matthew Avery and Lindsay Bjerregaard
Edited by: Lindsay Bjerregaard
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
08 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution vs 08 Subaru WRX STI's Joe Wiesenfelder compares the 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution and the 2008 Subaru WRX STI.
Shot and produced by: Lindsay Bjerregaard, Eric Rossi and Sarah Gersh
Edited by: Sarah Gersh
2010 Ford Mustang Video Review's Kelsey Mays takes a look at the 2010 Ford Mustang at the Road America track in Wisconsin. It competes with the Chevrolet Camaro and Dodge Challenger.
Shot and produced by: Sarah Gersh and Matthew Avery
Edited by: Lindsay Bjerregaard
Sunday, May 10, 2009
The Adventures of Phalath

Download it here
Since the beginning of time in the world of Ctath, the Humans and Ekil: A race of demonic humans; have waged war with each other. The war continued on for almost 200 years with no end in sight. However, a traitor of the humans named Orsham allied himself with the Goblins in an effort to take down both sides in their weakened states. After attacked, the humans and Ekil quickly signed a truce and fought back against Orsham and his army. Like the previous war, there was no end in sight. Until the Ekil devised a plan which would require all their magic. They sent Orsham into another dimension and locking him in for the rest of eternity. The king of the Alliance took notice and fearing one day the Ekil may do the same to them, sent an attack and killing most of the Ekil and imprisoning some of the Lieutenants. Life eventually moved on and both the remaining Ekil and Alliance forgot about the imprisoned Lieutenants and moved on with their lives. However, darkness is returning...
-In the game your only playing as one character-
Age: Unknown, supposedly 452 years old
Race: Ekil
The protagonist of the game. One of the Lieutenants of the Ekil army and also helped lock Orsham away. Not much is known about his history, except for the fact he devoted his life to the Ekil army.
For Lots More Iron Man Clips Go To:
Who would win in a battle to the death?
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
RMVX Lost Memories - 1st secret boss in-game
"And so the story continues.. Alex(purple haired guy) left to explore the Dragon Valley to discover the secrets left by his father. Leene and Leon was continuing their journey to the next Continent.
And now, they're heading to Palasc. Palasc is a kingdom and uhh.." haha xD
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Ninokuni: The Another World - First Trailer - Nintendo DS
Sunday, April 19, 2009
RPG Maker VX Resources

Monster sprites:
Sprite generator:
Monday, April 13, 2009
Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen - Autobots Rollin Out
Promo from the chicago auto show
Posted to show excitement for this film and not to promote it not in anyway for money reasons and or break copyright laws. This Trailer is Property of The Paramount, Dreamworks, Hasbro and Makers of the Movie.
[Pay no Attention to Following]
tags. transformers 2 revenge of the fallen
decepticon starscream ravage soundwave
wheeljack motormaster constructicons megs
megatron trailbreaker optimus prime auto
audi barricade blackout jetfire ps3 skywarp
thundercracker sideswipe sunstreaker
jazz autobot transformers 2 revenge of the fallen
2009 transformers rotf revenge
Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Fast and Furious 4 Cars - Tuned 4 Fury!
Well, I'd say that these cars are tuned for performance only, and the extreme body modification trend is declining back to the true blood of street racing.
No flashy displays, nice-looking rims, spoilers and catchy body arts like F&F II and III-Tokyo Drift. Just watch the movie and look how fast they run!
FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy
vadisworld - my way, my world
LOMBA FOTO BAYI HEBAT MILNA 2015 - BAYI HEBAT MILNA 2015 "Bayi Hebat Milna 2015" adalah lomba foto yang diselenggarakan oleh Kalbe Nutritionals / PT. Sanghiang Perkasa. Para orang tua dapat ...9 years ago
粉红色,我的颜色! - “崇钱,我要买卡, 你帮我充。”, 小明把手机交给崇钱。那部手机是粉红色,非常薄,你放在口袋时,不会觉得有什么东西挡住。非常合适女孩用的。因为,女孩穿的裤子一般都是口袋小小的,无法装任何东西。 崇钱拿一张卡,把它刷, 然后把密码输入手机里。“叮叮" 手机响了。 “哎,你还没换铃声?”,崇钱问。 “我昨天刚买手机...15 years ago
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