Archery Tips & Techniques : How to Shoot a Bow & Arrow
Watch and learn from our own expert how to shoot a bow and arrow in this free weapons training video on archery tips and techniques.
Expert: Leroy Sisco
Bio: General Leroy Sisco is currently retired from the military after completing a forty-two year career.
Filmmaker: Mark Sullivan
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Yaris Show Off 2010 Snapshots

Yaris Extreme Tune: Raging Phoenix
Rosta sez: Whew, I think it's a bit over-mutilated. Just check the whole gallery and you'll know what I'm talking about.

Yaris Firna Ranger (Front)

Yaris Firna Ranger (Side-Back)

Yaris Blue Wave
Rosta sez: One thing about Toyota Yaris is, Rosta has a difficulty of liking the front grill. Seeing the Blue Wave, he was relieved - a bit. Taste matters, though.

Yaris Silver RS
Rosta sez: Now this is BJ Rosta's personal favourite - not because of the chick, really. The whole body kit combination is avant-garde looking, along with the rims, spoilers and all.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Ken Block and Ford Fiesta in Gymkhana
Ken Block tears up Gymkhana Grid with Ford Fiesta for the full article and more HD videos. We speak with rally driver Ken Block and drifter Kyle Mohan about the upcoming Gymkhana Grid race series. Part autocross, part drifting - entries include Subaru WRX STI, Ford Fiesta, Nissan 350Z, 240SX, and Mitsubishi Evo.
Rock It Like Ken Block
Ford Fiesta 2010
Visit for more Ken Block's rocks! for the full article and more HD videos. We speak with rally driver Ken Block and drifter Kyle Mohan about the upcoming Gymkhana Grid race series. Part autocross, part drifting - entries include Subaru WRX STI, Ford Fiesta, Nissan 350Z, 240SX, and Mitsubishi Evo.
Rock It Like Ken Block
Ford Fiesta 2010
Visit for more Ken Block's rocks!
Ford Focus ST 2012
See the 2012 Focus ST - Ford's first global performance car, promising European ST specification for the North American market. The new 250hp 2.0L turbo engine and six-speed FWD transmission should provide great performance, while the sporting exterior and Recaro interior will make it a good looking choice for hot hatch buyers.
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011
First view of the 2011 Ford Fiesta RS WRC car. This will take over from the Focus RS WRC in 2011 when new 1.6L AWD rally regulations are introduced. It's the car Ken Block will drive in the WRC in 2011. See its Paris Auto Show livery as well as the new aerodynamics created by Prodrive as well as the interior equipment in detail
Monday, December 13, 2010
Family Guy - Dinner with Jesus
Jesus comes to dinner! Season 7: Episode 2
FAMILY GUY - Bird is the Word!
Catch Family Guy on Sundays at 9/8c, only on FOX! (Like on Facebook!)
For Full Episodes Visit:
Friday, December 10, 2010
Unity 3D RPG Prototype #1
An RPG prototype made with Unity 3D game engine. It will playable on web browser and focus on single/multi-player game. It's just a demo focus on GUI, changing clothes and inventory system. This is work in progress as an independent project by two. Check out our other movies if you have interest.
Our Blog:
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Stripgenerator Comic - Technology For The Win
I firmly believe that as a race, when times are tough, there's no computer we can't freeze up if we try hard enough.
Which is why I'm never worried about Skynet in real life. It'll Blue Screen long before John Connor is ever needed!
Tomorrow...Zombie gets his wish! (Also, a gratuitous, once a year shoutout.)
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
F for Freed-om!

Some documentaries from the Honda Freed Tuning Contest 2010
Mal Kelapa Gading, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Too bad I didn't get to photograph the eco-friendly King of Freed Tuning, though - BJ Rostaman
Monday, November 08, 2010
Mal Kelapa Gading listrik padam dan penangannya
Minggu, 7 November 2010
Jalan-jalan di mal memang enak dan nyaman karena bersih dan ada AC yang dingin. Tapi kalau tiba-tiba listrik PLN padam di Mal Kelapa Gading, semua menjadi gelap gulita dalam sekejab dan hawa mulai panas sesak, apa yang terlintas di pikiran anda?
Sore itu benar-benar terjadi pemadaman listrik dari PLN di Mal Kelapa Gading yang menurut customer service yang berbicara lewat pengeras suara (yang masih nyala dengan genset mungkin), tanpa ada pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu dari pihak PLN sehingga terjadi ketidak-nyamanan tersebut dan berulang kali meminta maaf kepada pengunjung Mal. Mereka menjelaskan akan segera menyalakan genset yang ada. Begini situasinya saat orang hanya bisa menunggu dalam kegelapan, baik pengunjung maupun karyawan yang bekerja di Mal, termasuk saya yang iseng mengabadikan situasi yang gelap.
Depan Farmer Market, Mal Kelapa Gading |
Cukup membingungkan, jalan salah karena bisa nubruk orang, diam juga salah ditubruk orang, sebaiknya ke pinggir atau duduk di tempat yang kosong sambil menunggu listrik nyala kembali (baik itu PLN maupun genset). Namun, di sebagian tempat bisa dilihat ada lampu darurat yang menyala remang-remang, sehingga beberapa orang bisa berjalan ke tempat yang lebih terang. Sebagian besar pengunjung mengeluarkan handphone masing-masing menyinari ke sana-sini terutama ke jalanan di depannya. Memang zaman yang menarik karena hampir setiap orang punya handphone yang bisa difungsikan jadi senter darurat.
Hanya beberapa lampu darurat yang menyala. |
Untunglah tidak ada orang yang sedang menggunakan eskalator terjepit, terjatuh ataupun terluka. Semua bisa berjalan turun pelan-pelan di dalam kegelapan. Tidak tahu bagaimana dengan pengguna lift, tapi karena tidak ada kehebohan, maka bisa dianggap lift berfungsi dengan baik, membuka di lantai terdekat begitu listrik padam, sehingga penggunanya bisa keluar dari lift dengan aman.
Pelayan tidak bisa mengantar pesanan makanan ke pembelinya | . |
Kalau berjalan sedikit ke arah counter XL, ternyata lebih terang. Ini dikarenakan bagian atas Mal mendapat cahaya matahari.
Bagian Mal yang mendapat cahaya matahari agak terang. |
Ok, akhirnya setelah menunggu sekitar 10 menit, lampu menyala kembali. Penanganan yang cukup baik dari pihak manajemen Mal Kelapa Gading. Semua orang meluapkan kelegaannya karena bisa berjalan-jalan di Mal lagi. Tadinya sudah sempat beberapa orang berdesah: "Pulang saja, panas, gelap lagi, gak bisa lihat apa-apa."
Tunggu dulu!!!!! Kebahagiaan tidak bertahan lama. Sepertinya genset belum menyala dengan sempurna. Karena listrik padam lagi. Dan saya beserta banyak orang terjebak di dalam Farmer Market. Mereka yang sedang membayar di kasir tidak bisa melanjutkan proses pembayaran. Hal ini dikarenakan mesin kasir walaupun nyala, tapi sistem tidak berfungsi. Dan pembayaran tanpa menggunakan struk komputer tidak diperkenankan oleh pihak Farmer Market. Sehingga semua orang dan kasir hanya bisa menunggu dalam kebingungan. Kebingungan juga melanda para sekuriti pihak Farmer Market, mereka menjaga semua pintu keluar masuk dan semua loket kasir. Orang tidak boleh masuk dan keluar. Tapi akhirnya mereka mengizinkan beberapa orang keluar setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan tas. (semoga memang efektif, kalau tidak yang ngecek stok barang bakalan pusing 7 keliling karena barang hilang).
Di dalam Farmer Market, sebelah kiri orang mengantri di kasir. |
Ternyata, listrik di MKG 1 saja yang masih padam. Sedangkan di MKG2, 3, 4, 5 ternyata sudah nyala terang benderang dan AC cukup dingin. Atau malah sebagian Mal tidak mati lampu??? Yah, begitulah pengalaman sesaat dalam kegelapan di Mal. Kesimpulannya, pihak Mal sepertinya sudah cukup pengalaman menghadapi listrik padam mendadak, sehingga tidak terjadi kekacauan yang berarti di dalam Mal dan pengunjung pun dapat memahami situasi tersebut.
kelapa gading,
listrik padam,
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Amazing Japanese Drift
toyota jzx 100 vs skyline nissan b234r vs toyota AE86..this was just a test by the 3 best drifters of japan.
Tanner Foust's 09 Scion tC Drift Car in Detail - Formula Drift 2009
We go in depth with Tanner Foust's 2009 Scion tC Drift Car! Formula Drift 2009 Long Beach. Go to for more videos and auto content.
FT-86 Turbo G Sports Concept Details at the 2010 Tokyo Auto Salon [HD]
It's down, it's fun, Yo!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Andry challenged you to a quiz: FireHeart's Mythology Quiz
Andry wants to compare quiz scores with you in The FireHeart's Mythology Quiz
Andry wants to compare quiz scores with you in The FireHeart's Mythology Quiz
Go here to take the quiz:
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Friday, October 08, 2010
Monday, October 04, 2010
Another Civic Burns the Road, Leaves Others Biting the Dust

Silver Roadburner
Another Honda Civic Simple Pimping Suggestion.
Personally, I favourite this variant of Honda Civic over Ferio and the 2007 and up.
Add a kinky spoiler, and it's racing time, baby! - BJ Rostaman
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Highlight Auto BlackThrough Final Battle 2009
Djarum Black Autoblackthrough Final Battle 2009, JCC Hall A Jakarta
The biggest modification / tuning competition in Indonesia right now. 2010 highlights coming up.
Contestant ABT Final Battle 2009
It's down, it's fun, Yo!
Djarum Black Autoblackthrough Final Battle 2009
Tags: Tuned Cars, Tunelicious Cars
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Lady and the Tramp - Guinea Pig Style
starring mocha and nuju
peanut the guinea pig
Mocha in "His First Broccoli!"
Friday, September 10, 2010
Tunelicious Honda Jazz RS
honda corner,
honda jazz,
tuned cars,
tunelicious cars
White Knight In Da Hood! 2007 Honda Civic

Ew, seriously, this dude ain't putting some fluorescent cutting stickers.
Still, the rims look very nifty too. Add a more powerful brake like Brembo or sorts, this 2007 white Honda Civic will be more comfy to drive (and to race with).

One thing, though, with the not-far-from-stock front bumper, the grille still looks too long from the front. Maybe the next Honda Civic can be like the 2008 Accord or before for front looks.
Here's one tip to pimp your ride: You don't have to go extreme just to be the king of the show.
Just add whatever you need so your whole family can enjoy the ride too. I understand that this dude ain't liking spoilers, but that's okay, because the backside lamp of this Civic 2007 is darn tunelicious! (not like the former version).
2011 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Gullwing
Exotic Cars
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Mustang v 370Z v Veyron: Muscle v Tuned v Exotic
Mustang v 370Z SMACKDOWN: Ford Mustang GT vs. Nissan 370Z
When we last left the 2009 Nissan 370Z, it had just laid a drubbing on BMW's little 135i. We then proclaimed, "The 2009 Nissan 370Z raises the standard for the sport coupe segment to a new level of affordable excellence."
Time to get more serious. It's V8 time. Who's in? Let's see, no Camaro, and a Challenger is not available (don't ask), so that leaves the freshly updated 2010 Ford Mustang GT, a car whose very existence is predicated upon wallet-friendly performance.
Perhaps a reinvigorated veteran can take down the newly crowned king. The particulars might differ — four seats versus two, V8 versus V6 — but the mission is the same. And the 2009 Nissan 370Z and 2010 Ford Mustang GT are priced closer than you might think.
370Z v Bugatti Veyron GS
New high-priced metal debuts at Pebble Beach, a new carmaker knocks off an exotic, and a long-awaited Nissan shows up in the rumor mill. FastLaneDaily's 400th episode, hosted by Derek DeAngelis.
Visit and vote for what you want in the show!
When we last left the 2009 Nissan 370Z, it had just laid a drubbing on BMW's little 135i. We then proclaimed, "The 2009 Nissan 370Z raises the standard for the sport coupe segment to a new level of affordable excellence."
Time to get more serious. It's V8 time. Who's in? Let's see, no Camaro, and a Challenger is not available (don't ask), so that leaves the freshly updated 2010 Ford Mustang GT, a car whose very existence is predicated upon wallet-friendly performance.
Perhaps a reinvigorated veteran can take down the newly crowned king. The particulars might differ — four seats versus two, V8 versus V6 — but the mission is the same. And the 2009 Nissan 370Z and 2010 Ford Mustang GT are priced closer than you might think.
370Z v Bugatti Veyron GS
New high-priced metal debuts at Pebble Beach, a new carmaker knocks off an exotic, and a long-awaited Nissan shows up in the rumor mill. FastLaneDaily's 400th episode, hosted by Derek DeAngelis.
Visit and vote for what you want in the show!
Most Muscle? Camaro SS v Challenger SRT8 v Shelby GT500
2010 Camaro SS vs. 2009 Challenger SRT8 vs. 2010 Shelby GT500
Camaro v Mustang v Challenger:
Hennessey Camaro v Shelby GT500:
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In our recent pony car comparison test, the retro-heavy — and just plain heavy — 2010 Chevrolet Camaro SS walked away with top honors in its debut. The big V8-powered coupe needed a new challenge. It was time to refocus the lens. Shoot from a different angle, so to speak.
So we squared the brooding visage of our SS-badged protagonist up against the cruelest bunch of savages we could find, the range-topping 2009 Dodge Challenger SRT8 and 2010 Ford Shelby GT500.
2nd Video
In 2002, astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the second human being to set foot on the moon, punched a guy in the face for accusing him of faking the moon landing. Buzz was 72 years old at the time.
Go right ahead and question the existence of the 2010 Ford Mustang GT, 2009 Dodge Challenger R/T and 2010 Chevy Camaro SS and they, too, might just give you a knuckle sandwich in the kisser. Like Mr. Aldrin, they bear names from long ago that have made a collective return to the limelight. Like Mr. Aldrin, they are American heroes with unparalleled legacies reaching across decades. And like Mr. Aldrin, they have Ph.Ds in kicking ass.
Their makers may have proven that they have the financial acumen of a blind yak. However, we submit these pony car icons as proof that the home team can extract their craniums from their nether regions once in awhile and knock the cover off the ball.
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Gummi Bears: The Movie
See the newest exclusive CHTV videos at Our videos premiere there first and in widescreen.
Minesweeper - The Movie
See new videos before they hit YouTube! Our videos premiere there first and in widescreen.
Watch the original and view credits at
Subscribe to the free CHTV video podcast on iTunes.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Cats And Dogs : The Revenge Of Kitty Galore - Official Trailer [HD]
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Macgyver vs Murdoc last scene!!!
Macgyver vs Murdoc last scene!!!
In the last season: season 7
In the last season: season 7
MacGyver - Last Scene, Last Episode
Macgyver - Last scene ever! Macgyver says goodbye for the last time
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Chevy Camaro 2010 On 28s!
The 1st 2010 Chevy Camaro on 28s.This car is from Florida,the rims are 28" DUB Joker spinners,and the paint is kandy.This car is owned by a FEMALE !!!!!!! Underground Rim King did the lift.
2010 Camaro On 24" Dub Jokers
24" dub floaters w/ candy green rally stripes
The honda king of SC at east coast ryders car show in bowman SC 2010
The honda king of SC!new candy silver and yellow with flakes. lambo doors on front and dead man doors on back. sittin on brand new dubs (yes 20s inch rims. 10 tvs and PS2 In da back seat and WII game in the truck with two flip down tvs. 2 12s kenwood speakers and kenwood 3000 watt amp. rebuilt motor and trans and upgraded to the h22 vtech. this honda is in stunt mode. Tunelicious!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' Trailer HD
For more info on 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' visit:
1200PS Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport Topspeed:434kmh+
Had a model been especially popular or highly successful in races, Ettore Bugatti's customers often pushed the master to tease out of the engine a few horsepower more for their future car. Bugatti Automobiles SAS had been in a similar situation when their existing customers asked the company to not only design their second model optically differently but also to create a version with a sportier and more extreme driving experience. The result is a car with a uniquely high performance of 1.200 bhp (882 kW) offering experienced drivers a whole new dimension of excitement, with a maximum torque of 1.500 Newton metres and a limited top speed of 415 km/h (to protect the tyres).
The Super Sport is a consequent further development of the classic exclusive 1.001 bhp Bugatti Veyron 16.4, launched in 2005. This model offers a stunning set of specifications, such as the twin clutch gearbox with seven speeds, the extraordinarily precise driving performance in bends and excellent stability when braking and accelerating.
Continuous work in extreme performance ranges lead to constantly new conclusions, which enabled the engineers at Bugatti to develop the Veyron into a direction in which the driver can reach new dimensions. Every modification is designed to produce an even more powerful car for an agile ride. Four enlarged turbochargers and bigger intercoolers have been used to boost the power of the 16-cylinder engine, and the chassis has been extensively redesigned to maintain safety at extreme speed. Thanks to slightly raised main-spring travel, stronger stabilisers, and new shock absorbers with a complex architecture originally developed for racing cars. This gives noticeably more precise control of the wheels and the car as a whole. With lateral acceleration of up to 1.4 G and improved interaction between the tyres and the intelligent all-wheel drive system, the Super Sport offers perfect handling and even more powerful acceleration of 1.500 Newton metres on corner exits.
The body has been fine-tuned to improve aerodynamic efficiency and maintain perfect balance in every situation, while the new fibre structure of the all-carbon monocoque ensures maximum torsion rigidity and passive safety -- at reduced weight. The skin is made entirely of carbon-fibre composites, and the new Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport is available in 100 percent clear-lacquered exposed carbon on request.
Bugatti Veyron Super Sport Top speed 434 km/h
2011 New Bugatti Veyron Super Sport 1200hp W16 434km/h Has several details that Bugatti has included in its press release. Germany According to the newspaper, the Super Sport Veyron weighs 50 pounds less (1,840 kg), and maintains the 0-100 normal model (2.5 seconds), but its acceleration from 0 to 300 km / h down from 16.7 to 15 seconds. Original News: The rumor of the 1,200 hp Veyron exists, and Bugatti has confirmed as they could only do one house from its re stands for excess: with a new land speed record. The creature's name is Super Sport, and represents a new model within the narrow range of the manufacturer of Molsheim. The feat was achieved in the Volkswagen test track in EHRA-Lessien, in the presence of members of the German technical inspection agency TÜV and a representative of Guinness Book of Records, which controlled the two trials conducted by the Bugatti for missile climb the highest speed ever achieved by a production car until 431.072 km / h. Average speed, because in his second sprint, the most fleeting of all the Veyron reached a peak of 434.211 km / h, well above the 425 expected by the Company officially. Until now, the speed record was held by the SSC Ultimate Aero TT, which in September 2007 achieved a speed of 412.28 km / h. Entering the details of the car itself, does not think for one second that this is a unique creation.
The Veyron Super Sport coupe will accompany the conventional and the Grand Sport, enjoying even a very short limited edition dedicated to the first five units, which by the way, have already been sold. Your name will be World Record Edition, and can be distinguished from the rest of the family for a color scheme like the record-breaking of the gallery, in bright orange and carbon fiber exposed. Like all the Veyron, the Super Sport uses a 8.0 L W16 engine, but to express its 1,200 hp Bugatti's engineers have taken drastic measures, replacing its four original turbos for larger ones and doing the same with intercoolers. The chassis has also been modified to not succumb to the effects of a huge torque Nm at 1500 reaches its climax.
This is how it is possible to find new anti-roll bars and reinforced shock absorbers, which will make it possible for progression to the 415 km / h is as safe and controllable as possible. Yes, you read right: the Veyron Super Sport is limited significantly below its potential, but that is because Bugatti wants to keep the tires in one piece and keep the same status to their beloved customers. These buyers can order their cars without paint, leaving bare his new body 100% carbon fiber.
Mansory People must be gnashing their teeth. With this model Bugatti Veyron will officially say goodbye. Adding all the variants, the company has delivered 271 of the 300 units will be produced. The last 30 will belong to the Super Sport version. Now, of course, we can only wait for its official debut to view in person and know all its technical details. Fortunately the time is much closer to what might expect: Bugatti Veyron will present the Super Sport in mid-August, within the famous Concours d'Elegance in Pebble Beach, where by the way, and presented the Grand Sport in 2008 .
Hummer H3 2010

The 2010 H3 SUV is a 4-door, 5-passenger luxury sport-utility.
Upon introduction, the Base is equipped with a standard 3.7-liter, I5, 239-horsepower engine that achieves 14-mpg in the city and 18-mpg on the highway. A 5-speed manual transmission with overdrive is standard, and a 4-speed automatic transmission with overdrive is optional. The Alpha is equipped with a standard 5.3-liter, V8, 300-horsepower, flexible fuel engine that achieves 13-mpg in the city and 16-mpg on the highway. A 4-speed automatic transmission with overdrive is standard.
The 2010 H3 SUV is a carryover from 2009.
* EPA Greenhouse Gas Score
* Rear Door Type
Swing gate
* Engine Order Code
* Engine Type
Gas 5
* Displacement
* Fuel System
* SAE Net Horsepower @ RPM
239 @ 5800
* SAE Net Torque @ RPM
241 @ 4600
* Engine Oil Cooler
- TBD -
* Drivetrain
4-Wheel Drive
* Trans Order Code
* Trans Order Code
* Trans Type
* Trans Type
* Trans Description Cont.
Manual w/OD
* Trans Description Cont.
Automatic w/OD
* First Gear Ratio (:1)
* First Gear Ratio (:1)
* Second Gear Ratio (:1)
* Second Gear Ratio (:1)
* Third Gear Ratio (:1)
* Third Gear Ratio (:1)
* Fourth Gear Ratio (:1)
* Fourth Gear Ratio (:1)
* Fifth Gear Ratio (:1)
* Reverse Ratio (:1)
* Reverse Ratio (:1)
* Clutch Size (in)
- TBD -
* Transfer Case Model
- TBD -
* Transfer Case Gear Ratio (:1), High
* Transfer Case Gear Ratio (:1), Low
* Fuel Economy Est-Combined (MPG)
* EPA Fuel Economy Est - City (MPG)
* EPA Fuel Economy Est - Hwy (MPG)
* Cold Cranking Amps @ 0° F (Primary)
* Maximum Alternator Capacity (amps)
* Maximum Alternator Watts
- TBD -
Cooling System
* Total Cooling System Capacity (qts)
- TBD -
Weight Information
* Gross Axle Wt Rating - Front (lbs)
* Gross Axle Wt Rating - Rear (lbs)
* Curb Weight - Front (lbs)
* Curb Weight - Rear (lbs)
* Gross Vehicle Weight Rating Cap (lbs)
* Gross Combined Wt Rating (lbs)
- TBD -
* Dead Weight Hitch - Max Trailer Wt. (lbs)
* Dead Weight Hitch - Max Tongue Wt. (lbs)
* Wt Distributing Hitch - Max Trailer Wt. (lbs)
* Wt Distributing Hitch - Max Tongue Wt. (lbs)
* Fifth Wheel Hitch - Max Trailer Wt. (lbs)
- TBD -
* Fifth Wheel Hitch - Max Tongue Wt. (lbs)
- TBD -
* Suspension Type - Front
* Suspension Type - Rear
* Spring Capacity - Front (lbs)
* Spring Capacity - Rear (lbs)
* Axle Type - Front
* Axle Type - Rear
* Axle Capacity - Front (lbs)
* Axle Capacity - Rear (lbs)
* Axle Ratio (:1) - Front
* Axle Ratio (:1) - Rear
* Shock Absorber Diameter - Front (mm)
* Shock Absorber Diameter - Rear (mm)
* Stabilizer Bar Diameter - Front (in)
* Stabilizer Bar Diameter - Rear (in)
* Brake Type
* Brake ABS System
* Disc - Front (Yes or )
* Disc - Rear (Yes or )
* Front Brake Rotor Diam x Thickness (in)
12.4 x 1.1
* Rear Brake Rotor Diam x Thickness (in)
12.3 x 0.5
* Front Tire Order Code
* Rear Tire Order Code
* Spare Tire Order Code
- TBD -
* Front Tire Size
* Rear Tire Size
* Spare Tire Size
- TBD -
* Front Tire Capacity (lbs)
* Front Tire Capacity (lbs)
* Rear Tire Capacity (lbs)
* Rear Tire Capacity (lbs)
* Spare Tire Capacity (lbs)
- TBD -
* Revolutions/Mile @ 45 mph - Front
- TBD -
* Revolutions/Mile @ 45 mph - Rear
- TBD -
* Revolutions/Mile @ 45 mph - Spare
- TBD -
* Front Wheel Size (in)
16 x 7.5
* Rear Wheel Size (in)
16 x 7.5
* Spare Wheel Size (in)
- TBD -
* Front Wheel Material
* Rear Wheel Material
* Spare Wheel Material
- TBD -
* Steering Type
Pwr rack and pinion
* Steering Ratio (:1), On Center
- TBD -
* Steering Ratio (:1), At Lock
* Turning Diameter - Curb to Curb (ft)
* Turning Diameter - Wall to Wall (ft)
- TBD -
* Frame Type
- TBD -
Fuel Tank
* Fuel Tank Capacity, Approx (gal)
* Fuel Tank Location
- TBD -
Exterior Dimensions
* Wheelbase (in)
* Length, Overall w/rear bumper (in)
* Width, Max w/o mirrors (in)
* Height, Overall (in)
* Overhang, Front (in)
- TBD -
* Overhang, Rear w/bumper (in)
- TBD -
* Ground to Top of Load Floor (in)
- TBD -
* Ground Clearance, Front (in)
* Ground Clearance, Rear (in)
* Rear Door Opening Height (in)
- TBD -
* Rear Door Opening Width (in)
- TBD -
* Step Up Height - Front (in)
- TBD -
* Step Up Height - Side (in)
- TBD -
Cargo Area Dimensions
* Cargo Area Length @ Floor to Console (in)
- TBD -
* Cargo Area Length @ Floor to Seat 1 (in)
- TBD -
* Cargo Area Length @ Floor to Seat 2 (in)
* Cargo Area Length @ Floor to Seat 3 (in)
- TBD -
* Cargo Area Length @ Floor to Seat 4 (in)
- TBD -
* Cargo Area Width @ Beltline (in)
- TBD -
* Cargo Box Width @ Wheelhousings (in)
* Cargo Box (Area) Height (in)
* Cargo Volume to Seat 1 (ft³)
* Cargo Volume to Seat 2 (ft³)
* Cargo Volume to Seat 3 (ft³)
- TBD -
* Cargo Volume to Seat 4 (ft³)
- TBD -
Interior Dimensions
* Passenger Capacity
* Front Head Room (in)
* Front Head Room (in)
- TBD -
* Front Leg Room (in)
* Front Shoulder Room (in)
* Front Hip Room (in)
* Second Head Room (in)
- TBD -
* Second Head Room (in)
* Second Leg Room (in)
* Second Shoulder Room (in)
* Second Hip Room (in)
* Vehicle Name
* Body Style
4 Door SUV
* Body Code
111.9" WB
Monday, July 05, 2010
Wald Toyota Vellfire 2009
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vadisworld - my way, my world
LOMBA FOTO BAYI HEBAT MILNA 2015 - BAYI HEBAT MILNA 2015 "Bayi Hebat Milna 2015" adalah lomba foto yang diselenggarakan oleh Kalbe Nutritionals / PT. Sanghiang Perkasa. Para orang tua dapat ...9 years ago
粉红色,我的颜色! - “崇钱,我要买卡, 你帮我充。”, 小明把手机交给崇钱。那部手机是粉红色,非常薄,你放在口袋时,不会觉得有什么东西挡住。非常合适女孩用的。因为,女孩穿的裤子一般都是口袋小小的,无法装任何东西。 崇钱拿一张卡,把它刷, 然后把密码输入手机里。“叮叮" 手机响了。 “哎,你还没换铃声?”,崇钱问。 “我昨天刚买手机...15 years ago
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